I have always been spiritually close to my father. I can't say that I'm close to him any other way. He is a military man(Air Force) and the whole time I was growing up he was gone on TDY or something. He is a very strict man to say the least. Ran the household like he would run his men. He was a drill sgt. at one point, a cop, a fireman, an EMT, and who knows what else. He knows his stuff. He has served on city councils and done many other things in his 73yrs of life. I love him dearly but my mother says we are just two peas in a pod and therefore we can't stay in the same room with each other for very long before one of us gets mad/aggravated at the other.
Yet since I was a little girl I have been spiritually close to this man. He knows when something is "not right" with me. He has told my mother several times to call me and ask if everything is fine. He knew when I was pregnant before I even knew I was pregnant. It's an odd connection but one that is strong.
I guess my very first memory I have of having any type of ESP, "gift", "talent" or whatever you want to call it was when I was too young to remember. My mother has told me this story and that's the only reason I remember.
She says dad was off on TDY somewhere thousand of miles away and her and I were in her bedroom. She was going thru some clothes in the dresser and I was sitting coloring in a book. I just looked up at mom and said, "Daddy just had an accident." and went back to my coloring book. My mother told me I shouldn't say such things about my daddy.
That night my dad called and he talked about everything under the sun but mom said she could tell he was holding something back. Before the end of the conversation she finally asked him what happened to him. He acted like he didn't know what she was talking about. She said, "Well Terri said you had an accident and I want to know what she was talking about." My dad didn't believe in this ESP stuff so he wanted to know how in the world I would have known such a thing. My mother said she didn't know how I knew but I told her that my dad had an accident.
My dad proceeded to tell my mother that he was in a jeep going thru one of those electronic gates that lift up. As he proceeded thru the gate it came down on the jeep just inches from his body. He said it scared him to death.
That's the accident I saw my daddy have and that's the first memory I have of my "gift".